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Pass Plus Modules

What is involved in Pass Plus


The first module is split into 2 parts: the first part is an introduction to the course and the second part is a practical session into town driving. Your instructor will check your driving licence and eye sight and begin your first session by explaining:

  • Why the course was introduced
  • What the course aims to do
  • The challenge of safe, positive driving
  • The importance of driver attitude
  • The skills and knowledge to be covered by the course

This is the practical part of module 1 and should immediately follow on from the introduction to Pass Plus. You will concentrate on:

Observation, judgement and awareness
Eye contact
Consideration for vulnerable road users
Being cautious – but not over cautious
Keeping space around your car.
You will be given advice about features of town driving such as:

Multi lane junctions
Unusual roundabouts
Trams and bus, cycle and taxi lanes
Under and over passes
Achieved – overall a satisfactory display of awareness and observations of all likely actions of other road users with only minor lapses in performance and reaction.
Exceeded – displayed effective awareness and good observations of all likely actions of other road users while showing ability to maintain appropriate progress.


This module continues on from your first session on town driving. The aim of the module is to cover all aspects of driving in different weather conditions, including speed and stopping distances in:

  • Rain
  • Sleet, snow and ice
  • Mist and fog
  • Bright sunshine.

You will need to:

  • Make sure you can see and be seen
  • Decide what speed to drive at
  • Apply the rules in practice

You will also look at skidding:

  • The causes of skidding
  • Prevention of skids
  • Correcting slow speed skids
  • Breaking on poor surfaces
  • Aquaplaning

Achieved – occasional inappropriate speed for the prevailing road and / or weather conditions with isolated instances of erosion of safe separation distances.
Exceeded – a very good drive constantly matching speed and visibility to suit varying road and weather conditions


This session will cover:

The main differences from town driving
Observing the road ahead
Making progress safely
Bends. Hills, uneven roads and dead ground
Keeping a safe distance from the vehicle ahead
Safe overtaking
With special emphasis on:

Consideration for pedestrians on roads with no pavement:
Horse riders
Sharp bends
Use of the horn
Farm entrances and buildings
Slow moving vehicles
Livestock and wild animals
Mud and other debris on the road
Use of passing places
Achieved – a competent performance was displayed while negotiating bends, undulating roads and driving through rural areas. However, there was a lack of final attention to detail to some aspects encountered.
Exceeded – a competent overall performance was maintained while negotiating bends, undulating roads and driving through rural areas at appropriate speeds. Good foresight and awareness was applied to any aspect encountered.


This session covers all aspects of driving in the dark, including:

The importance of headlights
Adjusting to the dark
Driving at dusk and dawn
Judging speed and distance
The correct use of lights and cleanliness of lights
Anticipation and awareness of pedestrians, cyclists etc
Achieved – demonstrated knowledge and understanding of the principles of safe and legal aspects of parking at night.
Exceeded – carried out safe parking in different locations that met all the rules and regulations without guidance.


Dual carriageways are high speed, multi lane roads where the 2 carriageways are separated by a central reservation. They demand particular skills, including:

Effective observation (use of all mirrors, blind spots, scanning the near, middle and far distance)
Judgement and planning (safe distances and the 2 second rule)
Joining and leaving dual carriageways – use of slip roads
Overtaking and lane discipline
Correct use of speed
Achieved – demonstrated the principles of overtaking safely but lacked a degree of urgency to execute the exercise to a very competent level.
Exceeded – took opportunities as presented to overtake in a manner that was executed in complete safety.


As a new driver, you may never have driven on a motorway. They are unlike any other road, not just because of the number of lanes, the high traffic volumes and vehicle speeds, but also because there are rules and signs that only relate to motorways. Pass Plus will give you invaluable training and experience in driving on motorways.

If there’s no motorway nearby, this session will have to be covered in theory (while you can gain some helpful experience on dual carriageways, this won’t cover aspects specific to motorways). In this case, you should plan to drive on the motorway as soon as possible after the course, so you can put the knowledge into practice. As with any theory session, it would need to be completed to an achieved standard.
Topics covered will include:

Planning journeys in advance
Joining and leaving motorways
Safe speed in different circumstances
Effective observation (use of all mirrors, blind spots, scanning the near, middle and far distance)
Signs, signals and markings
Overtaking and lane discipline
Courtesy to other road users
Motorway fatigue
Breakdown procedures
Use of lights, including hazard warning lights
Debris on the carriageway
Achieved – demonstrated theoretical knowledge and understanding of the principles of joining travelling and leaving that was consolidated on dual carriageways.
Exceeded – a practical motorway session that demonstrated safe, correct control and judgement when joining, travelling along and exiting a motorway.

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